It’s a sketch of seismic significance that seems divorced from SNL itself: no cast members from the time it was produced appear, and there’s a good chance you’ve seen it without knowing what show it first aired on. He may have a legacy of homophobia and fat shaming in his routines to contend with, but we can’t deny the impact of Eddie Murphy on comedy and pop culture, and one of his most memorable moments comes from the one time he returned to Saturday Night Live to host it in 1984 after he left the cast a year earlier. However, there’s a kind of impression that Eddie’s comedy, despite being self-proclaimed as “ Raw“, was less political, less angry, less confessional, and more centered around celebrity impressions and observational humor, two types of comedy that often get sneered at. He’s referenced it in his standup, he’s joked about it on talk shows, and fans of both comedians inevitably notice the similarities sooner or later. Reinhart’s exploration of Betty’s hidden depths has quickly emerged as one of Riverdale biggest selling points.Eddie Murphy has been open about how much he owes his career to Richard Pryor. And when Betty heard not-so-flattering rumors about her sister Polly, the pain that flickered across Reinhart’s face let us glimpse the deep wounds beneath Betty’s polished façade. In her quest to get revenge on a chauvinist football player, Betty went way overboard, and Reinhart’s unhinged intensity made the scene legitimately terrifying. (Like, she literally lives next door to Archie.) But Miss Goody Two-Shoes went bad this week… and Reinhart rose to the challenge. HONORABLE MENTION | As Riverdale‘s Betty Cooper, Lili Reinhart is the epitome of the classic girl-next-door. “My name is Dean Winchester,” he desperately repeated to himself until all he was left with was three scary words: “I don’t know.” More than his infamous single perfect tear, it was the fear and sadness in Ackles’ eyes in that moment that reminded us why he is an unforgettable - and underrated - talent.

As the hunter faced himself in the bathroom mirror, we looked on in awe as he came to the terrifying realization that his own identity was slipping away. HONORABLE MENTION | During this Thursday’s Supernatural, Dean’s inability to remember his own name – or much of anything – led to a performance we won’t soon forget from star Jensen Ackles. Alternating between anger (“You’re all vultures glomming onto someone else’s tragedy!” she screamed at Wes’ funeral attendees) and devastation (sneaking into Wes’ apartment, putting on his shirt and weeping), Souza gave us a gut-wrenching glimpse at just how unraveled Laurel has become - and how desperately she’s trying to mask her pain. In Thursday’s episode, it was Laurel who finally came to understand the gravity of her boyfriend’s murder, and Karla Souza delivered series-best work as a grieving young woman with no closure.

HONORABLE MENTION | How to Get Away With Murder has taken its time letting the reality of Wes’ death sink in.
For this magnificent achievement, we not only anoint her Performer of the Week, we offer her a standing ovation lasting a full 15 minutes. Throughout the eight-minute sketch, McCarthy nailed not only the combative tone with which Spicer addresses the media but also his habit of blaming reporters for questioning statements that he and Trump have made (which is all it takes, you know, to make them “facts forever”). Peacock Slashes Price on Premium Tier as It Becomes the New Home for Next-Day Streaming of NBC Shows

Melissa Villaseñor Addresses SNL Exit, Says She Is 'Forever Grateful' for Getting to 'Experience My Kid Dream'